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"Logic" of Hyrule

By Ryan Kuhn

Welcome to the world of Zelda, where the physics are made up and the rules of science don’t matter. That's right--we are going into the logic of Zelda. Is it a glitch in the Matrix, or is it just magic because it is Hyrule? I am going to jump into some of the more common things that happen while playing Zelda that make you think, “Wait, how...?!"

1. Unlimited Space for Stuff

So much stuff! (Source: PinIMG)

OK, minus Skyward Sword and Breath of the Wild (and this still happens in Breath of the Wild), Link seems to be able to carry almost as many items as the Dragonborn. The only objects that have a limit are your Rupees, which are also some of the smaller and lighter things to carry.

In games like Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask, you have a set limit of main items to carry (boomerang, swords, shields, bow, etc.), but those are still a lot of things for one man to hold. Then, on top of those, you have items you can carry multiples of, such as Deku sticks, arrows, and bait. How can Link carry all of these things?!?

As previously stated, Skyward Sword does a reality check for this and makes you buy more adventure pouches, or you will need to store items with the lovely lady behind the counter of the Item Check in Skyloft. In Breath of the Wild, we have limits on how many weapons we can carry, but does the logic make sense? For example, you have your Master Sword on your back when you go to a cave, and you put that away (where? I don’t know) and pull out a torch, along with a pile of wood and some flint. After lighting your torch, you find rocks that can be broken to find gems. You then pull out your Cobble Crusher, which is the same size as you, and break it, finding some pieces of amber you add to the other 241 pieces you already have.

Does Link carry around Hermione’s bag? Does he use Pym Particles to shrink items before putting them away? Is this Hyrule magic (cough logic cough) at work?

Hermione's bag (Source: Wikia)

2. Heavy Objects

Source: Zelda Dungeon

You know the situation: you have to sink to the bottom of the lake you are currently swimming in, so you put on your trusted iron boots (while swimming, no less), allowing you to sink to the bottom of the lake to find whatever it is you are looking for. After you explore, you take off the boots and float back up to the surface.

Does Link turn off the weight of his boots? Does the pouch you took from Hermione have a sci-fi version that also has zero gravity, making things light in your bag but not on your person? This would make sense since Link struggles with the ball and chain, puts them in his pocket, and walks around like normal. I feel like this is also solved with Hyrule magic--or maybe those Pym Particles are at work again (I mean, they were able to shrink a building and carry it around like luggage on wheels).

Source: IMG Fireden

We may be witnessing the preparation of a major crossover. I see The Hulk being angry all the time because of Navi's yelling "Watch out!" for every bad guy that is in a major fight scene or Fi's saying the obvious probabilities for every experiment Bruce does (though that would have been nice before Tony and Bruce made Ultron).

3. Protective Clothing

Source: IGN

Well, you are in trouble now... stuck in a desert area where it is too hot compared to Skyloft. But wait--you have your Fireshield Earrings from the Ancient Silent Realm to keep you safe (this makes sense, right?), or you can just put on a red tunic that protects your whole body.

For water areas, Zora armor can make a little sense, acting like a scuba suit (as long as you have the full set), but a blue tunic that, again, covers only your torso does not make sense. You make your way to see Yeto and Yeta in Twilight Princess, but you need no protective warmth? Link must be hot all the time, like some people in my family here in Michigan who wear shorts or a t-shirt until December.

Now, I bet some of you are saying, “In Breath of the Wild, you have to be careful with the temperature around you." Do you, though? Put on Goron armor, and it protects you from the extreme heat. However, I think it would conduct the heat and slowly roast Link.

And what about the magic of drinking an elixir made of monster guts and lizards to add extra protection for a few minutes, or a circlet that helps keep you cool in the desert when the Gerudo outfit isn’t enough?

I may come back to this again to find more Zelda logic as I play more games in the series or replay one I haven't played in awhile. I will make sure to write these strange instances down for the next time. Reach out to me if you know of any, too! If your excuse is “magic,” I want to hear about it.

You can find me at @rambokuhn on Twitter, and if you need a drink to read a blog, check out @brewthersinlaw to find my brother-in-law and fellow Zelda fan, Mike, and me as we talk about homebrewing and beer. Cheers!


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